Physical Therapy for Pets and Their People

Physical therapy is proven to relieve discomfort, speed healing, and reduce complications in people with a multitude of physical disorders, injuries, and impairments. Physical therapy can also be beneficial prior to surgery, as an alternative to surgery or medications (in come cases), or to enhance strength, stability, flexibility, power, speed, and other qualities necessary for sport, work, play, and life.

Amie, through her work at EmpowerPhysio, provides physical therapy and rehabilitation for pets and their people in the most "real" and comfortable environment, your home. This convenient solution minimizes stress and anxiety and ensures that your and your pet's needs and concerns are addressed through our pet and pet parent-focused approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a pet physical therapy and rehabilitation consultation include?

Amie will come to your home (or arrange for meeting at a mutually-agreeable location in Massachusetts) and will perform an evaluation of your pet's mobility and provide treatment (which might include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, photobiomodulation, electrical stimulation, and/or PEMF therapies). Following the visit, Amie will share with you (via email) a summary of the visit, including instructions for home exercises, activities, and restrictions.

How do I schedule my appointment?

Upon completing the intake questionnaire, Amie will contact you via email or telephone to schedule the pet physical therapy and rehabilitation consultation, based on your availability and efforts to minimize travel time and expense. Your patience and flexibility in scheduling is greatly appreciated.

How can I pay for my pet's physical therapy and rehabilitation consultation?

Payment is expected at the time of service. You can elect to pay via Teachable, Venmo, PayPal, check, or cash. Sessions are $200, inclusive of email correspondence with your and your veterinary team. Some pet insurers will reimburse you for expenses related to physical therapy and rehabilitation, however, it is suggested that you inquire prior to scheduling your pet's appointment. Though Amie is neither a veterinarian or "veterinarian supervised," she does collaborate and communicate with your veterinary team and has a significant amount of training and experience, having trained many pet physical therapy and rehabilitation practitioners worldwide.

To request a visit...

Please fill out the form below to request an in-home pet physical therapy and rehabilitation session. Amie will contact you via email or telephone to get further information and will contact your pet's veterinarian for medical information, clearance, and referral.