This is a downloadable objective outcomes measure specifically for animal physical therapy and rehabilitation professionals who work in canine neurorehabilitation. It is offered here so that clinicians can utilize the outcomes tool and offer their feedback so that the tool can be improved upon and eventually be utilized in studies to measure functional outcomes.

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Hi, I’m Amie!

If you've ever met me, you know that I'm crazy about data. I love the field of animal physical therapy and rehabilitation, but I've always found that we draw conclusions on the effectiveness and efficacy of our interventions WITHOUT data or proof. As much of my work has been in neurorehabilitation, I found it fitting to devise an objective outcomes measure for dogs recovering (and rehabbing) from neurological injury and surgery. I'd love for you to check out the CFIM (version 2.0), utilize it in your practice, and give me feedback regarding your findings. Thanks for your interest!!!

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